The ISX15 is renowned for its durability and performance. However, like any piece of machinery it...
The Freightliner eCascadia is an innovative electric semi-truck introduce by Diamler Trucks North America. This eco- friendly vehicle represents a significant step toward sustainable transportation in...
Recently I chose to become a dealer of IPD parts, I had a customer that brought this Peterbilt in for low oil pressure issues. What better time to put the IPD parts to the test. In this post...
The Freightliner Cascadia is a popular truck at my shop and on the highway, breakdown after breakdown I still enjoy working on them. Most are intimidated by their some what complicated fuel system and...
When it comes to heavy duty trucks, the Mack MP8 is often a great choice for trucking companies. However, even the toughest engines can face challenges, and one of the most dreaded issues overheating...
The process of overhauling a CAT 3406B engine is a testament to the engine’s to the engine’s enduring legacy. It breathes new life into a trusted companion, offering improved performance...
The blazing heat of Summer is gone, now the nice cool weather of fall is here. Soon the brutal cold of winter will come knocking at the door. Unexpected breakdowns during the winter season can be...