The ISX15 is renowned for its durability and performance. However, like any piece of machinery it requires maintenance and occasional repairs. One repair that may come up is leaking injector cups , allowing coolant to enter the fuel system. By Cummins standards the cylinder head needs replacement, but with some patience, proper tooling and knowledge the injector cups can be replaced successfully. In this post we will walk you through some steps to complete this task and review the tooling used to complete this task.
Prep The Engine
As with any other repairs involving the engine, you should make sure the work area is clean. Blow as much sand and dirt from the top of the engine area as possible, you wouldn’t want any debris falling into the engine once you remove valve cover. If you have access to a pressure washer, wash the engine bay. After engine is clean you can begin work by removing valve cover, injector lines and feed tubes, rockers, and injectors.
Tapping The Injector Cup
This part of the task is the most tedious part of the injector cup replacement process. There is a plug to install at the bottom of the injector cup to prevent metal shavings from falling into the cylinder, but if you’re not careful the plug can come out. Tapping the injector cup was pretty simple, with the guide its very easy to get it perfect, just don’t forget to apply cutting oil to the tap or you risk dulling it prematurely. Clean all metal shavings from on top of plug, a shop vac works great as well as a magnet.
Removal Of The Injector Cup
Once the injector cup is tapped, thread the removal tool into cup, I thought this was a very nice removal tool. It’s very sturdy, and well designed. Be sure to use anti-seize on the threads of the tool that goes into the cup, there’s a lot of force and friction when removing the cup. Don’t forget to drain your coolant if you haven’t, the last thing you want is 15 gallons of coolant down in the oil pan and where ever else it wants to go. After the cup is removed , clean the bore with a steel brush and brake cleaner.

Installation Of Injector Cup
The installation of the ISX 15 injector cup is pretty simple. Apply light coat of oil or my favorite assembly lube and anaerobic sealer to the bottom of cup. With the cup seated on the installer, give it a couple of whacks with a good hammer and the cup should be properly sealed and seated into the cylinder head. Install the retaining ring and use the cup expander to make sure the cup is fully pressed against the of the injector cup bore. The cup expander didn’t really feel like it was expanding the cup much, there didn’t really seem to be a stopping point like I thought there would be.
Refill your coolant system and pressure test the system to check for leaks. Hopefully there are no leaks present, and you can begin cleaning and reinstalling the rockers, injectors, injector harness, and supply lines. Don’t forget to torque engine components to spec.
My Final Thoughts
I believe this a great alternative to replacing cylinder head, if done properly. Though its not a guarantee that this will resolve your coolant in fuel issue, this can save you some money if successful outcome is achieved. The tooling is very well made in my opinion and is worth the investment for a shop that perform these type repairs. I look forward to performing this repair again in the future.
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